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Review: Phlebotomy Training Specialists

Key Takeaways

  • With 88 locations in 33 states, Phlebotomy Training Specialists is by far the largest provider of phlebotomy classes in the United States
  • Phlebotomy Training Specialists is a state approved phlebotomy training provider for every state it has a location
  • Tuition cost varies by location, but is generally priced reasonably
  • Clinical externships are not provided as a part of the program (except for California and Nevada residents), however PTS claims to offer similar clinical experiences as a part of their training
  • The quality of training is great with generally positive reviews provided by past students
The largest and perhaps most recognized provider of phlebotomy training in the United StatesClinical externship is not offered (except for California & Nevada residents)
The quality of education is excellent with high-quality instructors and state of the art technologyCannot accept financial aid
Generally positive experiences from past studentsDoes not offer online classes
Students will be eligible for phlebotomy certification through either the National Healthcare Certification Organization (NHCO) or the (National Healthcareer Association) (NHA) – depending on the state.Does not offer job placement services
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Phlebotomy Training Specialists offers flexible payment plans and claims to have competitively priced tuition. The exact cost of tuition varies by each location and is listed individually on their location pages. Prospective students should compare tuition cost with other phlebotomy training programs in their region.

As a private training provider, they cannot accept financial aid from sources like FAFSA or Pell Grants. If you plan to use government student loans, grants, or other forms of financial aid to pay for phlebotomy classes, you will likely need to enroll in phlebotomy classes through a public school like a local community college. Phlebotomy Training Specialists does accept payment through third-party sources, so if you receive a scholarship from a private source, or your employer is willing to pay for your phlebotomy education, Phlebotomy Training Specialists may be able to accept that as a form of payment.

Class Schedules

The program offers day, evening, and weekend classes across 88 locations in 33 states, providing flexibility for students with various schedules. The monthly availability of classes is a positive aspect, catering to a wide range of individuals. Specific details about class duration and frequency will vary based on individual location. For most locations, day and evening class programs last 3-5 weeks and weekend classes last 5-7 weeks.

Online classes are not offered by Phlebotomy Training Specialists at any location. It is generally difficult to find programs that offer online phlebotomy classes, and most that do offer classes in a hybrid format, mixing online lectures with in-person learning.

Quality of Training

Phlebotomy Training Specialists emphasizes hands-on training, claiming to have experienced instructors with real-world knowledge. They use technology other programs do not have access to, including a tool that can see through a patient’s skin to help aid with needle sticks. This visual aid helps students learn the location of blood vessels used during venipuncture procedures.

Every location has dedicated training instructors who have worked or currently work as professional phlebotomists. Instructors provide classroom and hands on training instruction, but are also available for certification exam preparation and provide job interview and job search advice.


Phlebotomy Training Specialists provides externships for students in California and Nevada, which is required in those states, with a total of 40 hours and 80 hours respectively.

For students not in California or Nevada, Phlebotomy Training Specialists does not incorporate externships as a part of their phlebotomy program. This is not uncommon from most phlebotomy programs, however many programs do match students with hospitals, physician offices, urgent care centers, and other medical locations so students can gain real hands-on experiences in professional settings for the purpose of practical skill development.

Phlebotomy Training Specialists claims to offer an externship experience as a part of their program by combining classes. However it is important to understand that this experience will take place at a Phlebotomy Training Specialists training location and not in at a different location. While applying to the program, be sure to ask about the type of clinical experience you would receive at their training location and how it may different from similar experiences offered by other programs in your area.

Certification Eligibility

Upon completing the course requirements of the phlebotomy program, Phlebotomy Training Specialists encourages and makes it easy for students to take exams to become phlebotomy certified. California, Louisiana, and Nevada residents take the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) phlebotomy exam and students of all other states take the National Healthcare Certification Organization (NHCO) phlebotomy exam. The exam fees must be paid for by the student – around $115.

Obtaining a phlebotomy certification is not a requirement in most states to gain employment and practice as a phlebotomist. However, many employers require certification for their phlebotomists, and career advancement often requires certification.

Providing training that meets phlebotomy certification requirements is a major benefit of the Phlebotomy Training Specialists program that many programs do not offer. We would highly recommend that students who enroll in the Phlebotomy Training Specialists program also pursue phlebotomy certification.

Job Placement

Phlebotomy Training Specialists does not offer job placement services as a part of their program. Students will need to pursue job opportunities on their own without the assistance of a job placement service from Phlebotomy Training Specialists.

Other programs that offer job placement may only have connections at one or two locations, typically where students complete clinical training. While job placement can be helpful, but it limits where students can pursue job opportunities as well as job types. Students interested in becoming a travel phlebotomist, for example, may not be able to find those types of opportunities through job placement.

For that reason, we would not consider lack of job placement to be a major disadvantage, just something to keep in mind while applying to programs.

Student Reviews

We looked at reviews from previous students who used Phlebotomy Training Specialists for phlebotomy training. As of November 30, 2023 there were a total of 3,619 reviews and the average rating for all locations was 4.9 out of 5.0.

The reviews we read were overwhelmingly positive about the experience. Almost all positive reviews noted the quality of the phlebotomy instructors, their patience with students and how they helped them gain confidence in developing their phlebotomy skills. We also found that the average rating for Phlebotomy Training Specialists locations were generally higher than other phlebotomy training options.

The following review and ratings data is from November 30, 2023. We would recommend viewing reviews for individual locations as each location provides a different experience through different phlebotomy trainers, training locations, and other factors.

LocationAverage Rating# ReviewsGoogle Page
Mountain Brook, AL4.916Reviews
Anchorage, AK4.918Reviews
Denver, CO4.750Reviews
Thornton, CO4.958Reviews
Colorado Springs, CO550Reviews
Mesa, AZ510Reviews
Phoenix, AZ4.892Reviews
Tucson, AZ544Reviews
Little Rock, AR4.988Reviews
Artesia, CA5102Reviews
Bakersfield, CA4.537Reviews
Camarillo, CA4.923Reviews
Citrus Heights, CA545Reviews
Fresno, CA4.635Reviews
Glendale, CA4.47Reviews
Los Angeles, CA4.9139Reviews
Manteca, CA4.980Reviews
Mission Viejo, CA5120Reviews
Palm Desert, CA5122Reviews
San Bernardino, CA5107Reviews
El Cerrito, CA4.983Reviews
Santa Ana, CA4.9117Reviews
Victorville, CA5119Reviews
Westminster, CA560Reviews
Fort Collins, CO512Reviews
Augusta, GA5139Reviews
Atlanta, GA53Reviews
Chicago, IL4.851Reviews
Palos Heights, IL4.898Reviews
Schaumburg, IL5189Reviews
Indianapolis, IN538Reviews
West Des Moines, IA520Reviews
Kansas City, KSNANAReviews
Overland Park, KS4.939Reviews
Wichita, KS56Reviews
Louisville, KY4.611Reviews
Minneapolis, MN545Reviews
Oakdale, MN4.519Reviews
Jackson, MS4.918Reviews
St. Louis, MO4.948Reviews
Omaha, NE531Reviews
Las Vegas, NV4.872Reviews
Reno, NV528Reviews
Manchester, NH567Reviews
Albuquerque, NM530Reviews
Charlotte, NC4.912Reviews
Raleigh, NC58Reviews
Cincinnati, OH4.826Reviews
Oklahoma City, OK4.861Reviews
Tulsa, OK57Reviews
Beaverton, OR4.525Reviews
Keizer, OR4.819Reviews
North Charleston, SC527Reviews
Greenville, SC5147Reviews
Knoxville, TN54Reviews
Memphis, TN4.851Reviews
Nashville, TN4.956Reviews
Austin, TX519Reviews
Richardson, TX4.995Reviews
Fort Worth, TX5126Reviews
Houston, TX4.954Reviews
San Antonio, TX5108Reviews
Alexandria, VA577Reviews
Lynnwood, WA528Reviews
Tukwila, WA4.943Reviews
Liberty Lake, WA518Reviews
Wauwatosa, WI522Reviews

State Approval

As a private training program, Phlebotomy Training Specialists cannot be an accredited phlebotomy training school (only publicly funded education institutions like a community college can be accredited). Instead, Phlebotomy Training Specialists is a state “approved” school in every state where it has a location. This means that each state’s board for phlebotomy education reviews and approves Phlebotomy Training Specialists as a phlebotomy training provider once per calendar year.

Most phlebotomy programs, whether public or private, are “accredited” or “approved” by a state board, but some are not. If you are researching other phlebotomy programs besides Phlebotomy Training Specialists, verify that they are either accredited or approved to ensure you are receiving a high-quality education.


Phlebotomy Training Specialists is a widely recognized provider of phlebotomy training across the United States, with an extensive network of 88 locations in 33 states. The program’s state approvals affirm its compliance with basic education standards, and all students are eligible for phlebotomy certification upon completing the program. Tuition, while varying by location, is generally reasonable, and flexible payment plans are offered to accommodate diverse financial circumstances.

The program stands out for its commitment to hands-on training, utilizing innovative technology for a real-time understanding of venipuncture procedures. The emphasis on practical skills is reflected in generally positive reviews from past students, praising the quality of education and experienced instructors.

Notable drawbacks include the absence of clinical externships for students outside California and Nevada, limiting exposure in a professional setting for practical skill development. Additionally, the program does not offer job placement services, placing the responsibility on students to secure employment opportunities. They also do not offer online classes and cannot accept financial aid, however this is typical for most private phlebotomy training providers.

Phlebotomy Training Specialists facilitates the process of certification, encouraging students to take exams for phlebotomy certification upon completing the program. The program’s positive reviews, averaging 4.9 out of 5.0, underscore its effectiveness in preparing students for successful careers in phlebotomy.

Phlebotomy Training Specialists is a reliable choice for those seeking detailed and hands-on phlebotomy training, particularly considering its widespread presence and positive student outcomes. Prospective students should thoroughly research details about their location of interest including reviews, cost, and scheduling options before making a decision.